On turning 33It’s quite an interesting age. I remember it as the first age I remembered my mother being when I was 6. I always think of her as ‘33’. I…Nov 4, 20211Nov 4, 20211
Published inableneo ProcessThe journey from hours to story points on a real-world projectOver the past 6 months, we have moved a major client from hours to story points. I want to show you how it can be done. But first:Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Published inableneo ProcessFinding out how the sausage is made in the backroom-> a process-driven storyBryan here again!Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
Published inableneo PeopleCome work with us in CzechiaWe are looking for a Business Development Manager for Czechia, who has the ambition to be Country Manager for ableneo in CzechiaNov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
Published inableneo PeopleBringing order to chaos, making a business run like a knife through butterThis quarter, as Head of Operations (cool title no?) I am focusing on taking our internal processes to the next level.Nov 10, 2020Nov 10, 2020
On turning 32 in the wtf year of all yearsSo it’s been quite a year. I’ve interspersed memes to keep it bright and cheerful.Nov 4, 2020Nov 4, 2020
Published inableneo PeopleFrom G’day mate to Dobrý Deň to Grüß GottSo, I’m not from Europe. Basically, I’m from the land down under, full of snakes, spiders, sharks, jellyfish, etc.Oct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020